Tag Archives: 30 day challenge

30 Day Organizing Challenge

I love being organized and having a schedule!  For years I’ve lived my life just doing what I could when I could do it.  But as the kids got older, my work life and Tan’s work schedule have increased, it has gotten almost impossible for us to get anything done.  Just to buy groceries has been a difficult task for us.

A while ago I mentioned reading Pen & Paper Flowers and  iHeart Organizing and how I made a promise to keep my home and life better organized.  I’m happy to say that I’ve been doing very well and have continued to make small steps towards organization.  I’ve even created a Pin Board on Pinterest to help with my organization.  I have a monthly planner where I jot down all of  the tasks, shopping, birthdays, Dr.’s appt, etc and it’s my daily go to for anything.  I even have a back up calendar reminder on my phone for those days where I may have forgotten something.  Such a helpful tool to have!

Although I’m doing great I’m still having trouble with my home organization.  I sometimes get a wee bit overzealous and want to do it all in a day.  I’m so used to my motto being “Why put off for tomorrow what you can get done today”  but now I must say I need to learn “Slow and Steady wins the race”. To help me with my organization, I’ve decided to do a 30 Day Organizing Challenge.  I have written down a list of things I want to get done in 30 Days.  I’m hoping to work on my list and tweak it when needed.   I’m pretty stoked about it and can’t wait to share my list with you fine folks!  For now I’ll start with my first challenge:  Laundry.  I don’t mind doing the laundry.  I find folding the laundry very therapeutic at times and the smell of fresh clean clothes is wonderful –ahh! But I hate how long I take to get it done!  I mean it takes me hours to wash, then dry then fold and sometimes I can’t get to the putting it away part.  I have recruited the help of my kids but sometimes their help is not very helpful if ya know what I mean!  I often find myself refolding the clothes :\-which is NOT fun!  If you know of any neat tips or tricks in folding the laundry or home organization, then please help this Mama out! 😉 And I promise, as soon as I can, I’ll share my organization tips!  But please understand I am NOT a professional organizer nor  do I play one on TV!