How to Organize Under the Kitchen Sink | Clean with Me 2019

Ok confession time:  I am not a naturally organized person.  I struggle with finding ways to keep my home organized, especially my kitchen and bathroom.  For me organizing those two spaces are big challenges.  So I decided to get down and tackle these spaces.  I started with under the kitchen sink and to be honest I was not too thrilled with how messy it was.  I’m a little embarrassed to even show you how messy it was.  Here is a before photo so you can see what I’m working with: Continue reading

Shop with Me| Lidl March 2019

Hello my wonderful friends and Happy Monday!  I know so much pep for a Monday but today I feel so energized.  I actually got a tone of stuff done here at  Casa de HNC (laundry, cleaning and organizing some neglected areas) and especially on my Youtube Channel.  I even was able to film a Shop with me! Recently the hubs and I were able to have a little time to explore this store and I take you along on this journey.  If you’re not familiar with Lidl (pronounced Leedle) then you should definitely check out my video.

I really enjoyed my first experience at Lidl and would recommend this store to anyone looking for save a few bucks.  So with that being said I’m curious, have you ever hear of Lidl or been shopping there?  If so what was your experience like?  Comment below and if you have a chance check out my Youtube Video and better yet make sure to subscribe!

Clean with Me | Cleaning Motivation

Hey guys!  So it’s been some time since I shared a cleaning motivation video.  So I finally got my camera out and decided to film myself cleaning my Dining Room and Kitchen (which I’ll share in another video)  I love watching these types of videos on YouTube because it inspires me to get things done!

I hope this inspires you to tackle your next cleaning project!  Make sure to head on over to my YouTube channel and subscribe!  Until next time friends, have a great day!



Hello my wonderful friends and Happy 2019!!  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Season and a Fun-tastic New Year!  I cannot believe that 2019 is finally here!  These passed few months have flown by! I mean really.. One day I was prepping for my daughter’s 15th birthday party and the next, poof!  I’m in the New Year.  It has been a crazy and interesting time!

2018 was a very good year for me and I KNOW 2019 will be even better!   Now if you have been following me for some time you may recall that I had posted a 2018 Personal and Youtube goals and although I haven’t shared my journey as much as I wanted to.  I did pretty good and am proud with the road I’m taking so far.  So to make sure that I continue to have my stuff in order I decided to have a phrase for the year.  My phrase for 2019 is: CARPE VITAE! (translated from Latin it means Seize Life)

I am truly Happy with that phrase and am excited to continue documenting my journey here and on my YouTube channel.    To help me keep my thoughts and goals in order I will continue to have my Goals into categories:



  • Continue to Pay off credit card and maintain a zero balance
  • Continue Save up an Emergency Fund and Savings Fund
  • Continue to Save up for a new car


  • Eat Less Takeout – we did pretty good in 2018 – fingers crossed 2019 will be better!
  • Create and actually do work out routine – still a struggle lol
  • Drink lots more water – yes, going strong on this one!
  • Go for a run – yikes this one kills me lol


  • Have more date nights with the Hubby 😉 fo’ sho’!
  • Spend quality time with my girls – this one is going great!
  • Spend more time visiting family and having get togethers – so hard when everyone is so busy!
  • Take couples dance lessons (part of date night, maybe?) – still working on this one!


  • Spend more time reading the bible and creating a bible study
  • Join a woman’s organization or volunteer group – so far I have found a group in my church just have to work up the nerve to join lol


  • Create organizational systems for the home – slowly but surely happening – come back soon for a video/blog post
  • Finish out incomplete home improvement projects – ongoing progress
  • Encourage other’s and share positivity – yes yes yes!!


  • CONTINUE TO GROW MY BLOG & YOUTUBE CHANNEL I can honestly say that I have reached my goal for 2018 by doubling my Youtube Subscribers and am nearing 10,000 subscribers and that makes me soo Happy!!
  • IMPROVE MY PHOTOGRAPHY Photography continues to be a passion of mine and I want to improve my skills so fingers crossed!
  • MORE CONTENT SCHEDULE  I am going to post more regularly and stick to a planned schedule that will allow for great content and fun blog stuff!
  • STRONGER  SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE this is a slooooowwww process but one that I’m happy to say is happening – just very slowly lol!
  • COMMENT/ENCOURAGE OTHER POSTS I’m happy to say I have really stepped up my commenting game!  I have encouraged others and have also followed newbie instagrammers as well as some “popular” IGers to support.

So far I’m happy to say that I have been going great with most of my goals from 2018 and will continue to build on these goals for the 2019 Year!    I feel it in my bones that 2019 is gonna be our year! I sincerely hope this post has inspired you to create or continue working on your Goals.  I put a lot of thought into my posts in the hopes to inspire and to help build others while growing myself.  Do you have any goals you’re ready to crush for 2019?  Let me know and I’ll be here to cheer you on!  And if you haven’t already make sure to subscribe to my blog and youtube channel and say Hi!  Until next time friends, have an awesome day!




Today I wanted to share with you how I decorate my tree.  Last year a lot of our Christmas decorations had to be thrown away because they were almost 20 years old and have seen better days.  We also got a new tree.  Our old tree is also 20 years old.  It’s still in pretty good shape but it’s small and we’ve been wanting to get a larger tree for a few years.  One day we were decorating our old tree when half our lights blew out.  Since they were so old we decided to buy new lights at Target.  While at Target, they were having an awesome sale on Christmas trees and I was sucked in.

I found my tree.  A beautiful 7.5 foot tree and we got it for a deal.  The tree retailed for $130.00 but we got it for $61.00!  Yup $61 Bucks..  How?  The day we went to target they were having a sale on their trees, with that they also had a sale that if you buy season decor items you get an additional $25 off your purchase of $75 or more.  So we got our lights (also on sale) and the tree and boom savings!  I’m really happy with my purchase and plan on having this tree for a long time.  Maybe not 20 years long but close to it lol.

Decorating our tree is a family thing.  Since we now have three trees (yes three), today I will be focusing on how we decorate our new family tree.  Decorating our tree is pretty simple.  We usually decorate together as a family each one of us hangs our ornament and we string lights and ribbons.  We always keep our trees simple and traditional.  I absolutely love how we decorated the tree together and pray that this tradition will be continued when my girls start their own family.

Since some of our store bought tree decorations are gone, I want to purchase new ornaments and ribbons.  We do have a some surviving ornaments that we DIY’ed and some family ornaments that are still in great shape (and aren’t going anywhere) and we are happy with what we have.  As for my smaller tree, I’m still keeping it and it will now be in our dining room.  This one I will decorate with left over ornaments but next year it will be my themed tree.  What theme, I don’t know but next year will be here before you know it!

And for those of you that are wondering about my third tree, I’ll share a quick story about it:

When we sold our first home 5 years ago, we stored our belongings thinking that we were going to find a new home soon enough.  We moved in with Harvey’s grandparents (they owned a duplex- and we lived on the second floor) before we knew it, we were there for a year and in that year we celebrated Christmas but since our stuff was in storage and wouldn’t fit the apartment (imagine 2 adults, 3 kids and 2 dogs in a 2 bedroom apartment!) So on  Christmas eve Ava my youngest, who was 4 at the time, started crying.  When I asked her why, she said that she was afraid that Santa was going to miss our house because we didn’t have a tree (or any Christmas decorations) so we I grabbed some paper and we DIY’ed some decorations for the home – think snow flakes, candy canes and paper chains.  I made a paper wreath and called Harvey hoping that we could get the tree out of storage, but since we couldn’t Harvey did the next best thing.  He went to Target during his work lunch and he and his co-workers walked around the seasonal section hoping to find a tree or something!  They managed to find a single white pre-lit 4 foot tree and a small set of ornaments.  That night we decorated the tree and Ava went to bed excited for Santa’s visit.  It was the best feeling the next morning when she saw the gifts under the tree!  Believing that Santa truly came.  To this day Harvey and I love telling that story and it remains one of the best Christmas memories.  It says so much about my husband, he didn’t think twice and did his best to make it happen for our girls.

Wow Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post!  If you made it this far you my friend are a Rockstar!!  I mean it!   I hope you have a truly blessed day!  See you soon!