Tag Archives: organization

Personal Goals: February Check-In

Back in January I set out a Personal Goal for the year.  I was very excited to have this goal and even more excited to share this goal with you my wonderful friends!  So now that we are in February I thought I’d check in and give you an update:

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Amazon Wish List | Cleaning and Organization Items

Hello my wonderful friends!  I hope you’re all having a wonderful day as for me, I’m doing pretty good, Thanks.  Today I wanted to share with you my Amazon Wish List!  If you’re like me then you have been on Amazon a time or two and have seen products that you love and want but can’t currently buy them.  So what I do is add the product to my wish list and when I have saved some mulah I buy them.  My Amazon wish list is pretty amazing and I thought I’d share some of the items I have on this list with you.  Many of the items I’m sharing from my amazon wish list is for cleaning and organization but I will be sharing a second list for more personal items.

Here is my Amazon wish list:

ATTACH A TRASH – I absolutely think this product will be great to have.  Perfect for those quick clean ups when you are chopping and peeling veggies or other foods.

TOOTHBRUSH HOLDER – I have a very tiny half bath with no counter space so our toothbrushes  tend to float around the sink area.  This would be great to hold our toothbrushes and keep the sink looking nice and neat

BISSELL STEAM MOP – great product for those deep cleaning days and an awesome disinfectant. 😉 

TOOTHBRUSH HOLDER FOR KIDS – I definitely need this for my kids bathroom.  Not only is it perfect for keeping the area organized, it will limit the amount of germs that land on the brushes.

O’CEDAR MOP AND BUCKET – How awesome is this set?  The mop has a microfiber cloth and the tip is triangle shape for those hard to reach spaces.  The bucket has a pump action wringer that is awesome because I hate touching the icky water from moping the dirty floors!

Well this is my brief Amazon Wishlist.  I hope you were inspired by this list.  If you have any items on your wish list, share them with me in the comments below.  And if you own any of the items on this list let me know how you like them.  Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post!  I hope you all have a wonderful day and I’ll see you next time!



I have a vanity I love, and even though I am not big on make up I do like to wear it on occasion or when I feel like stepping up my wardrobe game.  Today I wanted to share with you my recent vanity cleaning and organization.  It is so nice to have everything I need in a neat and organized space.  The best part of is that I freed up some much needed space and my vanity desk top is clean and clear!

I hope you enjoyed vanity organization and cleaning ideas and inspiration. For more organization, DIYs & home decor ideas, like this video! Follow me on youtube! It would truly mean so much to have my blog friends join me!  I hope you like the video and I inspired you to organize your space!  Make sure to share your favorite organized space with me on instagram by tagging me@hipncreative. Until next time friends!


Craft / Office Organization and Easy DIY | Hip ‘n Creative

Hey friends!  I hope your all feeling great today!  I’m feeling pretty good, I have been working on ORGANIZING my CRAFT ROOM with items I bought from the Dollar Tree and Target Dollar Spot.  While I was working on my craftroom my hubby was working on the attic replacing duct work that has gone bad.  While he was up there he found my old Pegboard.  Needless to say I was uber excited to have that bad boy again!  It was a bit warped from being stored away but I was able to get it back to normal again!

Here is a pic of my pegboard from my instagram @hipncreative:

If you aren’t following me there, you should totally start now, it would mean so much to me!  I also made a video where I give you a quick tour of my pegboard.  How I have it styled currently and how we mounted the pegboard as well as how I painted and mounted the Ikea spice rack.

Thank you so much for stopping by and until next time guys! Have a fabulous day!



Bathroom Closet Organization

Hi guys!  Today I wanted to show you how I organized my bathroom closet.  We’ve been blessed to have a closet in our bathroom with plenty of storage.  But I have been neglecting it for a while now.

Bathroom Closet Organization | https://www.hipncreative.wordpress.com

Over the summer I bought some Dollar Tree bins and wanted to spruce up my closet and get it all purrty.  I organized it and then left it be.  I really don’t go into this closet very often.  I have my own bathroom and kept my stuff separate from the main bathroom with the exception of medications, I have them all in one spot away from the kids.   One day I needed some allergy meds and couldn’t find it in the mess.  So I decided to give it a quick cleaning, organized it with dollar tree bins and some shoe boxes and made some labels too.  (click on the image below to download a copy of the labels)

Small bathroom closet organization | https://www.hipncreative.wordpress.com

I created the labels with a simple blue border, and created a category for my bathroom necessities then laminated them.  I got the laminator on amazon for $20.00 -regular $33.00 plus free shipping.  Good deal right?.

Quick Tip: If you don’t have a laminator, you can use packing tape!  It’s a cheap alternative and the best part is that you can use a dry erase marker to erase and relabel your tags!  You may be able find both the tape and the marker at your local Dollar Tree.

Ok here is what I did:

First I purge all the expired medicines and old products we didn’t use.  Then I organized each bin or shoe box with same items. Example: I made a bin for all oral products- toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, etc.  I made another for all medications- Tylenol, Aleeve, ibuprofen, etc and labeled it.  I made one for First aid items -gauze, bandages, cotton swabs, cotton balls, etc… you get the idea.  This system was great, immediately my oldest and hubby said this was a great idea because now they knew where everything is when they need it and where everything goes when they need to put things away!

I also bought some shelf liners to use because I was sick to death of the old stained, smelly wall paper that was there previously.

Here is a close up of the old ugly wallpapered mess:

Bathroom Closet Organization | https://www.hipncreative.wordpress.com

And here is the new version:

Bathroom Closet Organization | https://www.hipncreative.wordpress.com

Small Bathroom Closet Organization | https://www.hipncreative.wordpress.com

The old wall paper came off without of problem.  It took me about 5 minutes to remove and replace the shelves with liners.  All I did was measure the shelf and cut the liners, making sure to leave a half inch extra on the ends, while leaving about 2inches  front and back.  For the top two shelves, I completely wrapped both the top and the bottom of the shelves (like a gift) so when I look up I don’t see the ugly shelf, but nice liner.    I love how it looks, that small change made the bathroom look way better.  The best part is that it only cost me $3.00!  I have extra liners that I purchased and didn’t use in the closet that I will be using under my bathroom sinks.  Even my hubby and the kids like the way it looks!

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope this motivates you to spruce up a neglected space.  Remember don’t strive for perfect, strive for done!

Until next time my friends!


**This is not a sponsored blog post.  All opinions are my own**

Awilda https://www.hipncreative.wordpress.com